
Mermaid Finish

The Mermaid tail has been finished! It was quite a quick knit. I can fit my legs and feet in it easily so Olivia will disappear!

It’s quite nice thinking that I’ve started the CWord makes off. On to a shark version next.

The Wordsworth Cuckoo is nearly there too. Just a dash to the end and I can pillow it to join the dogs one. A bit of a dull photo, the colours are a bit brighter than they look here.

I have been playing golf again and on Monday I managed to wear my Fair Isle vest. It felt good! I will perhaps work on the other one a bit more now too. It’s nice to be back out. From my favorite tee 15 on the left with 2 on the right.

The course is looking amazing after the really wet winter and long people free break. The Sequoias even briefly hosted a pair of Peregrine Falcons but the female succumbed to sour crop and the vets couldn’t save her sadly. The male seems to have moved on.

I have also been altering clothes again and using the overlocker. A few t-shirts and some trousers were for the change this time. It feels good changing what I have rather than just buying more! While I have the overlocker out I will be using it to make the Littles some pajamas in a glow in the dark jersey fabric I found. They can be for thier CWord Eve box if they come out ok! I am gaining confidence in the overlocker anyway.

We have finally had the plumbers in and the house feels busy and chatty with young men. This has made me feel busy too. Much better than waiting for the next thing that isnt going to happen! We now have a whole new heating system and finally we have hot water back in the kitchen. We had a leak under the concrete floor back in January and had to turn the hot off. It’s been awkward but between the boil tap and the utility room we have juggled. So nice to have the actual tap working again though!

I will finish with a quick trip around the garden and what’s out at the moment.

I’m now going to try and finish a pajama top before lunch!

11 thoughts on “Mermaid Finish

  1. You’re encouraging me to drag out my overlock machine to whip out a pair of pajama bottoms! It may be frozen up since I haven’t run it for well over ten years . . . Thank you for the spin around your garden – such beauties!


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