
Early March Round Up

I’ve been flitting about a bit since I last posted. I’ve written an article for the WoW book about the Temari Not balls and I’ve had to dig deep to find some bits for a gallery. I’ve just chosen some of my little beaded pieces but it will do. There’s been a bit of pottering in the garden now we are actually having the odd beautiful day and that is being helped by trying to keep fit with regular zoomfit classes and yoga.

The mohair sweater has been finished. I knitted it in the round for speed and so I didn’t have to sew up as many seems. It came out rather snuggly! I love the short sleeves for layering.

The February challenge was finished and I now just have to make all the little blocks up into a book. I have no photo yet but will when I’ve moved on a little further. The Stitchwheel is also at about the same point as last time.

A little of the Scandi reindeer has been added to but the february challenge took over for a while there. I’m a little disappointed with how many discrepancies there are in this pattern. Some are small and only I’d really notice but some are larger and they ALL annoy me.

I’ve been working on a little silk embroidery by Cathy Reavy of Dragonflies to go on the wall with all the others. Lovely and bright and fanciful.

Today was wings day. They took an age with all the over stitching but look good.

Last but I’m sure never least there is a new Knit A Long starting with Black Sheep Wools. They sent me the mohair kit on the left but I’ve decided to also do my own colours for a blanket to raffle for the dog rescue I think. That’s the colours on the right.

Well the table is beginning to fill up again. I will be trying to tick a few things off so the panic doesn’t set it!!

Two years ago today we lost you, my beautiful boy. Missed every single day.

15 thoughts on “Early March Round Up

    1. Everything is at the photographers at the moment. We had issue 6 out just before Christmas so there may be an early Summer one. Publishing dates are a little flexible!😄 Your blog gets a mention.😊

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    1. Yes, hoping to clear them out of the way but I’m spending far too much time sitting at the moment and the back is complaining because of it. Will have to try doing them standing I think! 😄

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  1. So many lovely things you’ve finished. I really could do with doing myself a table, it might spur me on to finish a few more things, instead of flitting from one thing to another and not getting much finished. It’s surprising how long ago some projects date back to when you think about it. Love the dragonflies, I have ideas for one / some, but trying to finish a few other bits first.

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    1. It really has helped focus what I have lying around waiting for its moment! Nice at the end of the year too when you start to doubt anything was made at all.


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