Scraphappy · Stitch

ScrapHappy June 2024

Well I may be having a bit of a block with blogging lately, sorry, bad blogger, but I have managed to do a semi scrappy couple of blocks for the Ovarian Cancer Quit. This is a project run each year be Kate of Tall Tales of Chiconia to raise funds for the cancer charity.

Each year the theme runs with the colour teal and a different subject. Our title is Still Waters Run Deep and we were given our briefs in strips this time. I had deep water and could add dark blues to the teal. I managed to find mostly scrappy fabrics and only a couple of extra bits which weren’t technically scraps, fat 8ths. A couple of the fabrics even came from one of our trips to Australia so it’s nice to know they’re going back!

They were sent on their way on the 8th of June and, despite the tracking saying they were delivered on the 9th, they have still to actually get there. I’m not even sure Superman could have done that fast a delivery!

Anyway here they are, I hope they’re ok and will make it somewhere, back or front, on the quilt itself. One appliqué and one a pieced block.

11 thoughts on “ScrapHappy June 2024

  1. Lovely! I’ll overlook the fat 8ths for the sake of the quilt. I do love how everyone has fully committed to the theme; it’s going to make such an interesting finished quilt. I’ll let you know as soon as the blocks are delivered, never fear, but as you say, it’s still early days. Normal postage time would be 2 weeks.


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